Understanding the new $3m super tax
The much-debated tax on superannuation balances over $3 million is inching closer and those who may be affected should ensure they have considered the implications.
Although it is not yet law, the Division 296 tax should be taken into account when it comes to investment strategy and planning, particularly in relation to any end-of-financial-year contributions into super.
Tax for higher account balances
The new tax follows a Federal Government annou...
A super window of opportunity
New rules coming into force on July 1 will create opportunities for older Australians to boost their retirement savings and younger Australians to build a home deposit, all within the tax-efficient superannuation system.
Using the existing First Home Super Saver Scheme, people can now release up to $50,000 from their super account for a first home deposit, up from $30,000 previously.
Another change that will help low-income earners and people who work in the g...